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Fantastic Science Fiction Magazine June 1960

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  1. Editorial (Fantastic, June 1960)
    • An essay by Norman M. Lobsenz, providing insights and reflections.
  2. Novelette: The Mirror
    • Written by Alan E. Nourse, this novelette explores a world where a mysterious mirror holds secrets beyond imagination.
  3. Short Story: Side Effect
    • A tale by Joseph D. Laven, delving into the consequences of a scientific experiment gone awry.
  4. Essay: Olaf Stapledon: Cosmic Philosopher
    • Part of the Studies in Science Fiction series by Sam Moskowitz, discussing the life and work of the influential science fiction writer Olaf Stapledon.
  5. Short Story: The Fiftieth Year of April
    • Written by Arthur Porges, this story takes readers on a journey through time and memory.
  6. Essay: Coming Next Month (Fantastic, June 1960)
    • A preview of what readers can expect in the next issue.
  7. Short Story: Drive Out of Mind
    • A narrative by Dan Morgan, exploring the boundaries of consciousness and reality.
  8. Short Story: David’s Daddy
    • Written by Rosel George Brown, this tale delves into family dynamics and unexpected connections.
  9. Novelette: No End of Time
    • Written by Phyllis Gotlieb, this novelette takes readers to a distant future where time itself is a commodity.
  10. Cartoon: “When you grow up, I suggest you become an eye doctor.”
    • An illustrated humorous piece by Frosty.

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2 thoughts on “Fantastic Science Fiction Magazine June 1960

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