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Your Complete Buying Guide for Vintage Magazines

Are you a vintage enthusiast seeking to unearth hidden treasures from the past? Delve into the world of vintage magazines, where each page whispers stories of a bygone era, waiting to be discovered and cherished once again. Imagine holding a piece of history in your hands, with covers that evoke nostalgia and content that transcends time.

In our comprehensive guide to vintage magazine collecting, we address the common struggles collectors face. From identifying reputable sellers to verifying authenticity and evaluating conditions, we equip you with the knowledge needed to make informed purchases. Whether you’re drawn to illustrated marvels, gripping mysteries, or niche publications, we cover a myriad of genres and types to cater to your unique interests.

Embark on a journey to build your vintage magazine collection with confidence. Let us be your compass, guiding you through the intricate process of sourcing, evaluating, and negotiating to ensure every acquisition is a gem worth treasuring. Welcome to your ultimate buying guide for vintage magazines.

Vintage Magazines

Introduction to Buying Vintage Magazines

Vintage magazines hold a unique appeal for collectors, offering a glimpse into the past and capturing the essence of a bygone era. These treasured publications provide a window into the culture, fashion, entertainment, and historical events of their time. As tangible artifacts, they possess a certain charm and authenticity that digital media cannot replicate. Whether it’s the exquisitely crafted illustrations in an *Illustrated London News* issue or the captivating stories within a copy of *Famous Fantastic Mystery*, vintage magazines offer a multi-dimensional experience that engages both the imagination and the intellect.

Collecting vintage magazines allows enthusiasts to immerse themselves in a particular period, exploring the interests and trends of the past. From the thought-provoking articles in *The Massachusetts Review* to the enthralling stories found in *Amazing Science Fiction Stories*, there is a wide range of genres and types to suit every collector’s taste. Whether you’re drawn to the natural world through *Nautical Magazine* or enjoy the thrill of mystery with the *Official Bulletin of the Pacific Northwest Bird*, vintage magazines offer a diverse and captivating array of content.

In addition to the intrinsic value they hold for collectors, vintage magazines can also be a wise investment. Rare and sought-after editions, like *Harper’s New Monthly Magazine* from June or *American Horse Breeder Magazine* from March, can appreciate in value over time, making them not just a source of enjoyment but also a potential financial asset.

As you embark on your journey into the world of vintage magazines, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the knowledge and insights needed to make informed and satisfying purchases. From finding reputable sellers to evaluating condition and authenticity, we’ll equip you with the tools and strategies necessary for building a remarkable vintage magazine collection. Let’s delve deeper into the fascinating realm of vintage magazines and discover the treasures that await.

Vintage Magazines. 1st Print Galaxy Science Fiction THE STARS MY DESTINATION Alfred Bester 1956 -57
1st Print Galaxy Science Fiction THE STARS MY DESTINATION Alfred Bester 1956 -57

Finding Reputable Sellers

When embarking on your journey to find vintage magazines, it’s crucial to locate trustworthy sellers who can provide you with authentic and high-quality publications. Whether you prefer to shop online or explore physical stores, here are some tips to help you find reputable sellers:

1. Research and Verify

– Begin by conducting thorough research on sellers to ensure their reputation. Look for online reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other collectors.

– Check if the seller has a website or online platform with clear contact information and a professional appearance.

2. Specialized Marketplaces and Auctions

– Explore specialized marketplaces and online auction platforms dedicated to vintage items. These platforms often have reliable sellers with a track record of selling genuine vintage magazines.

3. Join Collecting Communities and Forums

– Connect with fellow vintage magazine enthusiasts by joining online communities and forums. These platforms often provide valuable insights and recommendations for reputable sellers.

4. Attend Vintage Fairs and Conventions

– Attend vintage fairs, conventions, and book fairs to meet trusted sellers in person. These events offer the opportunity to examine magazines in person and establish personal connections with sellers.

5. Seek Recommendations

– Reach out to experienced collectors, local antique stores, or vintage magazine collectors’ clubs for recommendations on reputable sellers. They may have valuable insights and firsthand knowledge of reputable sellers in your area.

Remember, when purchasing vintage magazines, it’s essential to prioritize authenticity and quality. By following these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to find reputable sellers who can help you build your coveted collection.

Evaluating Condition and Authenticity

When it comes to buying vintage magazines, it’s essential to evaluate their condition and authenticity before making a purchase. Follow these guidelines to ensure you’re getting a high-quality and genuine collectible:

1. Physical Condition: Examine the magazine for any damages such as tears, stains, or missing pages. Check the cover and spine for signs of wear or fading. A well-preserved magazine will retain its original coloring and show minimal signs of aging.

2. Paper Quality: Pay attention to the paper’s texture and thickness. Vintage magazines are often printed on higher-quality paper compared to modern publications. Look for crisp and sturdy pages without significant discoloration or brittleness.

3. Content Consistency: Confirm that all the pages and advertisements are consistent with the magazine’s specified issue and edition. Check for any irregularities or discrepancies that may suggest a counterfeit or altered publication.

4. Original Elements: Look for any original inserts, posters, or additional materials that might have come with the magazine. These extra elements can add value and authenticity to the collectible.

5. Publisher Information: Examine the publisher’s information, including the logo, brand name, and copyright details. Cross-reference this information with reputable sources to verify its accuracy.

Remember, it’s important to buy vintage magazines from trustworthy sellers who can provide transparent information about the item’s history and provenance. By carefully evaluating the condition and authenticity of the magazine, you can ensure a worthwhile addition to your vintage collection.

Exploring Different Genres and Types

As a collector of vintage magazines, it’s important to explore the diverse range of genres and types available. Each genre offers a unique glimpse into the past, showcasing the interests and trends of a specific era. From fashion magazines that captured the essence of different time periods to science fiction publications that transported readers to other worlds, the options are plentiful. You’ll find genres like sports, entertainment, home and garden, literature, and more. Delve into the vibrant world of vintage magazines and discover hidden gems that align with your personal interests and curiosities. Happy exploring!

Negotiating Prices and Getting the Best Deals

When it comes to buying vintage magazines, negotiating prices and getting the best deals can make a significant difference in your collection’s overall cost. Here are some strategies to help you secure the best prices:

1. Research Market Values

Before entering into any negotiation, it’s essential to research the market value of the vintage magazines you’re interested in. Familiarize yourself with recent sale prices and trends to have a better understanding of what constitutes a fair price.

2. Seek Multiple Sellers

Don’t limit yourself to a single seller. Explore different sources, such as online marketplaces, antique stores, and vintage fairs, to find a variety of sellers offering the magazines you’re looking for. This way, you can compare prices and negotiate better deals.

3. Bundle Purchases

Consider bundling multiple magazines together when negotiating with a seller. This strategy allows you to leverage your buying power and potentially negotiate a discounted price for the package.

4. Be Polite and Respectful

Approach negotiations with a polite and respectful demeanor. Building a positive rapport with sellers can go a long way in securing better deals. Be open to compromise and listen to the seller’s perspective while advocating for a fair price.

5. Look for Negotiation Opportunities

Keep an eye out for opportunities to negotiate, such as magazines with slight imperfections or those that have been in the seller’s inventory for an extended period. These situations can provide potential bargaining power to secure a lower price.

Remember, successful negotiations often involve finding a win-win situation where both parties feel satisfied with the deal. By employing these strategies, you can enhance your chances of securing the best prices and adding more gems to your vintage magazine collection.

Organizing and Displaying Your Collection

Once you’ve built up a substantial collection of vintage magazines, it’s essential to organize and display them properly to showcase their beauty and preserve their condition. Here are some tips to help you create an impressive display:

1. Sort by genre or theme: Group your vintage magazines based on similar genres or themes. This arrangement not only makes it easier to find specific issues but also enhances the visual appeal of your collection.

2. Use archival-quality storage: Invest in acid-free magazine sleeves or archival boxes to protect your magazines from deterioration caused by light, moisture, and dust. These materials help preserve their condition over time.

3. Consider display options: Depending on the size and quantity of your collection, consider using magazine holders, shelves, or display racks to exhibit your magazines proudly. These options make your collection easily accessible and visually appealing.

4. Rotate displays: To keep things fresh, periodically rotate the magazines on display. This not only prevents prolonged exposure to light but also allows you to showcase different pieces from your collection.

Remember, proper organization and display help maintain the value and longevity of your vintage magazines while providing an aesthetically pleasing experience for both yourself and your guests.

Care and Preservation Tips

When it comes to caring for and preserving your precious collection of vintage magazines, following proper techniques is essential to ensure their longevity. Here are some valuable tips:

Handle with Care

– Always wash your hands before handling vintage magazines to prevent oil and dirt transfer.

– Use clean cotton gloves to prevent fingerprints and smudges on delicate pages.

– Avoid excessive bending, folding, or creasing; instead, use acid-free archival-quality sleeves or acid-free tissue paper for protection.

Storage Solutions

– Store magazines upright in acid-free boxes or magazine holders to prevent warping.

– Avoid storing them in damp or humid areas to prevent mold or mildew growth.

– Keep magazines away from direct sunlight, as it can cause fading and deterioration.

Environmental Control

– Maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level in your storage area.

– Aim for a temperature between 60-70°F and a relative humidity of 40-50%.

Cleaning and Maintenance

– Use a soft brush or compressed air to remove dust and debris from magazine covers and pages.

– Never use water, cleaning agents, or solvents as they may damage the paper or ink.

Remember, proper care and preservation practices will help maintain the condition and value of your vintage magazines for years to come.

Resources and Online Communities

If you’re passionate about building your vintage magazine collection, there are several resources and online communities that can provide valuable support and connections. Here are some of the top platforms to consider:

1. Vintage Magazine Collecting Forums: Joining online forums dedicated to vintage magazines can connect you with fellow enthusiasts and provide a wealth of knowledge. Popular forums include Vintage Magazines Facebook Group and Collectors Weekly Magazine Collecting Forum.

2. Online Marketplaces: Websites like eBay, Etsy, and Ruby Lane have dedicated sections for vintage magazines, allowing you to browse and purchase from reputable sellers. Make sure to read seller reviews and verify authenticity before making a purchase.

3. Antique Fairs and Collectible Shows: Attend local antique fairs and collectible shows where vintage magazines are often showcased. This provides an opportunity to talk to sellers in person, examine magazines firsthand, and negotiate prices.

4. Specialized Websites: Online platforms such as and offer a curated selection of vintage magazines, often accompanied by detailed descriptions and quality images.

5. Collector Blogs and Websites: Many collectors and experts share their insights and experiences through personal blogs and websites. These resources can provide valuable tips, information on rare finds, and a sense of community. Some popular examples include Vintage Magazine Collector and Magazine Art Blog.

Remember, always exercise due diligence when buying from online sellers. Research the seller’s reputation, ask questions about the magazine’s condition and authenticity, and compare prices across different platforms. Engaging with communities and utilizing reliable resources will enhance your buying experience and help you build a comprehensive vintage magazine collection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find reputable sellers of vintage magazines?

Finding reputable sellers of vintage magazines can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can ensure a successful purchase. Here are a few tips to help you find trustworthy sellers:

1. Online marketplaces: Look for reputable online platforms specializing in vintage magazines, such as eBay, Etsy, or dedicated vintage magazine websites. Check seller ratings, read reviews, and pay attention to return policies.

2. Antique stores and flea markets: Visit local antique stores, flea markets, and vintage fairs. Engage with the sellers, ask questions about their inventory, and examine the magazines in person to assess their condition.

3. Collectors’ conventions: Attend collectors’ conventions or vintage magazine expos, where you can meet knowledgeable sellers and interact with fellow collectors. These events offer an opportunity to find unique pieces and establish connections with reputable sellers.

4. Online forums and communities: Join online forums and communities dedicated to vintage magazines. Engage with experienced collectors and enthusiasts who can recommend reputable sellers based on their own experiences.

How can I tell if a vintage magazine is authentic?

Authenticity is crucial when buying vintage magazines. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating the authenticity of a vintage magazine:

1. Publisher information: Check the publisher’s name, logo, and copyright information. Research the publisher’s history if you’re unfamiliar with it.

2. Printing methods: Examine the printing quality, paper type, and color consistency. Authentic vintage magazines often show signs of age, such as slight discoloration or yellowing.

3. Unique features: Look for specific features or characteristics associated with a particular era or publisher. This could include logos, typography styles, or popular artists and writers of the time.

4. Verify with experts: Consult experts or experienced collectors who can offer insights into specific magazines or genres. They can help identify any red flags or provide additional information to validate authenticity.

Remember, thorough research, attention to detail, and consultation with experts can significantly increase your confidence in purchasing authentic vintage magazines.

What are some popular genres and types of vintage magazines to collect?

Vintage magazines offer a wide range of genres and types for collectors to explore. Here are some popular categories worth considering:

1. Fashion and lifestyle: Vintage fashion magazines, like Harper’s Bazaar or Vogue, provide historical insights into fashion trends, beauty tips, and cultural influences of different eras.

2. Literature and art: Literary magazines, such as The Massachusetts Review or Littell’s Living Age, showcase notable works of fiction, poetry, and critical essays from renowned authors and intellectuals.

3. Science fiction and fantasy: Magazines like Amazing Stories or Fantasy & Science Fiction introduced readers to the imaginative worlds of revered sci-fi and fantasy authors, making them prized collector’s items.

4. Sports and hobbies: Vintage magazines dedicated to sports, hobbies, and pastimes, such as American Horse Breeder Magazine or Nautical Magazine, capture the interests and cultural significance of specific activities.

These are just a few examples, and there is a vast array of vintage magazines available covering various subjects and themes. Explore different genres that align with your interests and broaden your collection’s diversity.

Are there any tips for negotiating prices when buying vintage magazines?

Negotiating prices is a valuable skill when buying vintage magazines. Here are some tips to help you secure the best deals:

1. Research market value: Familiarize yourself with current market prices for the vintage magazines you’re interested in. This information will give you a baseline to compare against when negotiating.

2. Bundle purchases: Consider purchasing multiple magazines from the same seller. Buying in bulk can often lead to discounts or more favorable negotiations.

3. Point out imperfections: If the vintage magazine has any noticeable flaws, like tears, stains, or missing pages, use these imperfections as leverage to negotiate a lower price.

4. Be confident and polite: Approach negotiations with confidence, but maintain politeness and a friendly tone. Establishing a rapport with the seller can potentially lead to more flexible pricing.

5. Consider trading or bartering: If you have duplicates or other magazines that might interest the seller, propose a trade or barter arrangement. This can be an excellent way to acquire new additions to your collection without solely relying on monetary transactions.

Remember, each negotiation is unique, and flexibility is key. Be prepared to walk away if the price doesn’t meet your expectations, and always prioritize the value and condition of the vintage magazines.


By following these guidelines, you can navigate the process of buying vintage magazines with confidence. Remember to research reputable sellers, assess authenticity and condition, explore different genres, negotiate prices, and connect with fellow collectors. With patience and knowledge, you’ll build a valuable and cherished vintage magazine collection.

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“1965 Vintage Paperback “13 Above The Night” First Print”

13 ABOVE THE NIGHT 1965 Dell 1st Print Frank Herbert Kornbluth Vintage Horror
13 ABOVE THE NIGHT 1965 Dell 1st Print

First print 1965. Please utilize the pictures to determine the exact condition of the item. 

Good condition. Square, tight book, possibly unread, maybe lightly browsed. Small water stain to top edge, see pictures. Otherwise no writing or staining. Nice book, excellent reader.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Discover a World of Intriguing Stories in “13 Above the Night” – Groff Conklin

Step into a universe where imagination knows no bounds, where the stars whisper secrets, and where extraordinary tales unfold. Have you ever yearned for a journey beyond the ordinary, where the line between reality and fiction blurs effortlessly? “13 Above the Night” invites you to delve into a realm where science fiction transcends the limits of the imaginable and propels you into uncharted galaxies.

As you navigate through this anthology, prepare to encounter a symphony of captivating narratives orchestrated by masterful storytellers. From the realms of Isaac Asimov to the visions of Frank Herbert, each story promises to ignite your curiosity and stir emotions you never knew existed.

Embark on this odyssey through the cosmos as we unravel the mysteries, dissect the themes, and explore the intricate web of tales that await within the pages of “13 Above the Night.” Experience a mesmerizing blend of thought-provoking concepts, exhilarating adventures, and mind-bending enigmas that will leave you spellbound.

Girl standing in a star filled sky

Groff Conklin (Editor)

Groff Conklin, a prominent figure in science fiction literature, made significant contributions as an editor in the genre. His expertise and discerning eye for exceptional storytelling have left an indelible mark on the world of science fiction. As the editor of “13 Above the Night,” Conklin demonstrates his ability to curate a collection of imaginative and thought-provoking tales that have captivated readers for generations.

Conklin’s literary career was characterized by his passion for science fiction. He played a pivotal role in shaping the genre by introducing readers to groundbreaking stories and emerging authors. Throughout his illustrious career, Conklin worked with esteemed publishers, including Dell Paperback. His collaborations brought forth iconic science fiction anthologies that became highly sought-after by avid readers and enthusiasts alike.

“13 Above the Night” stands as a testament to Conklin’s discerning taste and his ability to select stories that push the boundaries of imagination. This anthology showcases a diverse range of science fiction narratives that span multiple themes and concepts. Authors such as Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, C.M. Kornbluth, and Stephen Barr grace the pages of this extraordinary collection, enriching it with their exceptional storytelling.

In the pages of “13 Above the Night,” readers will discover a captivating blend of traditional science fiction fare and uniquely enthralling tales. Conklin’s careful curation ensures that this anthology offers a broad mix of stories, ensuring there’s something to satisfy every science fiction enthusiast’s taste.

As readers delve into the pages of “13 Above the Night,” they will experience the sheer brilliance of Groff Conklin’s editorial prowess, embarking on a literary journey that will transport them to unexplored realms of imagination.

13 Above the Night Groff Conklin Dell Paperback 1965

“13 Above the Night” edited by Groff Conklin is a captivating anthology of science fiction stories that will transport readers to unexplored realms of imagination. Published as a Dell Paperback in 1969, this collection showcases a diverse range of thought-provoking and enthralling tales from acclaimed authors.

In this anthology, readers can expect to encounter the visionary works of esteemed writers such as Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, C.M. Kornbluth, Stephen Barr, and many others. This compilation offers a broad mix of traditional science fiction fare, showcasing the creativity, innovation, and literary prowess of the featured authors.

Within the pages of “13 Above the Night,” readers will be taken on thrilling adventures, exploring mind-bending concepts and contemplating the intricacies of scientific subjects such as quantum theory. From the back of their heads to the far reaches of the galaxies, each story presents a unique and compelling narrative that is sure to captivate and engage.

Whether you are a fan of classic science fiction or a newcomer to the genre, this anthology is a must-read. Groff Conklin, a leading science fiction anthologist and founding father of the genre, has curated a collection that offers both entertainment and intellectual stimulation. So dive into the pages of “13 Above the Night” and discover a world of intriguing stories that will leave you craving for more.

Get your copy of “13 Above the Night” today and embark on a journey through the galaxies that will ignite your imagination and expand your horizons.

Ghoulish Character

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If you’re a fan of captivating science fiction stories that push the boundaries of imagination, you won’t want to miss “13 Above the Night.” This anthology, edited by the renowned Groff Conklin, brings together a mesmerizing collection of science fiction tales that will transport you to unexplored realms of thought-provoking storytelling.

Featuring contributions from acclaimed authors such as Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert, “13 Above the Night” offers a diverse range of narratives that will keep you hooked from the first page to the last. From thrilling adventures to mind-bending concepts, each story in this anthology takes you on a unique journey through the galaxies.

Whether you’re a seasoned scientist or a curious reader looking to explore the wonders of science fiction, “13 Above the Night” is sure to satisfy your craving for thought-provoking storytelling. So, don’t miss out on this little gem of a book that showcases the extraordinary imagination of some of the genre’s most talented authors.

Share the excitement of “13 Above the Night” with your fellow science fiction enthusiasts and embark on a journey through the galaxies together. With its captivating blend of stories and the genius of Groff Conklin as the editor, this anthology promises an enthralling reading experience that will leave you wanting more.

Remember, good stories are meant to be shared, so grab your copy of “13 Above the Night” and prepare to be transported to worlds beyond your wildest imagination.


“13 Above the Night,” curated by Groff Conklin, is a captivating anthology of science fiction stories that will transport readers to unexplored realms of imagination. This collection showcases a diverse range of tales from acclaimed authors such as Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, C.M. Kornbluth, Stephen Barr, and many others.

Within the pages of “13 Above the Night,” readers will embark on thrilling journeys through time and space, encountering mind-bending concepts, remarkable characters, and thought-provoking situations. Each story delves into the vast expanse of scientific subject matters, exploring quantum theory, advanced technologies, and the mysteries of the universe.

From the gripping “Button, Button” by Isaac Asimov to the hauntingly dark “The Immortal Organism” by Frank Herbert, this anthology captivates with its broad mix of traditional science fiction fare. Groff Conklin, a leading science fiction anthologist, carefully curated these stories to ensure a remarkable reading experience.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of science fiction or a newcomer to the genre, “13 Above the Night” offers a little gem of a book that will leave you enthralled and wanting more. With its unique selection of stories, this anthology is sure to ignite your imagination and keep you eagerly turning the pages.

Step into the worlds created by the masters of science fiction as they explore the depths of human nature, challenge societal norms, and contemplate the mysteries of the cosmos. “13 Above the Night” is a must-read for anyone seeking riveting narratives that push the boundaries of imagination.

Notable Authors Featured in “13 Above the Night”:

– Isaac Asimov

– Frank Herbert

– C.M. Kornbluth

– Stephen Barr

Related Products:

– “Raven” by S.A. Swiniarski

– “Blue Mars” by Kim Stanley Robinson

Related Products:

If you enjoyed “13 Above the Night,” curated by Groff Conklin, and are craving more captivating science fiction reads, here are some related products that might pique your interest:

1. “Raven” by S.A. Swiniarski (Daw Paperback, 1996)

– Venture into a dystopian world intertwined with intrigue and magic in this riveting science fiction novel.

2. “Blue Mars” by Kim Stanley Robinson (Dell Hardcover, 1996)

– Immerse yourself in an epic tale set on the Red Planet, exploring themes of colonization, political upheaval, and human resilience.

3. “Boojum and Snark Books”

– Dive into a collection of captivating science fiction stories carefully chosen to ignite your imagination and push the boundaries of the genre.

When it comes to shipping, we ensure your book arrives with care and in top-notch condition. Our terms of sale provide a transparent and hassle-free purchasing experience. Shipping terms are determined based on your location and can be adjusted according to your preferences.

Expand your science fiction library with these captivating reads that offer a wide range of themes and storytelling styles. From dark and thought-provoking tales to thrilling adventures in uncharted territories, these books are sure to keep you engrossed in the world of science fiction.

Horror House

Raven S.A. Swiniarski Daw Paperback 1996

In the science fiction anthology “13 Above the Night,” edited by Groff Conklin, readers are treated to a captivating collection of stories that push the boundaries of imagination. While this remarkable book features contributions from renowned authors like Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert, it also includes lesser-known gems that are equally deserving of attention.

One such gem is “Raven” by S.A. Swiniarski, a story that takes readers on a thrilling journey into the unknown. Set in a dystopian future, “Raven” explores themes of survival, sacrifice, and the resilience of the human spirit. With its vivid world-building and well-developed characters, this story lingers in the reader’s mind long after the final page.

Daw Paperback 1996, the edition of “13 Above the Night” that features this remarkable tale, offers readers a convenient pocket-sized format, allowing them to easily carry the book wherever they go. The cover art is visually captivating, enticing readers to delve into the intriguing stories that lie within.

For science fiction enthusiasts seeking a diverse and thought-provoking reading experience, “13 Above the Night” is a must-read. This anthology, edited by the esteemed Groff Conklin, embodies the essence of the genre, showcasing stories that range from classic science fiction tropes to imaginative explorations of uncharted territories. “Raven” by S.A. Swiniarski is just one example of the many treasures awaiting readers within the pages of this extraordinary collection.

Blue Mars Kim Stanley Robinson Dell Hardcover 1996

“Blue Mars” by Kim Stanley Robinson, published in 1996, is a highly regarded science fiction novel that continues the epic Mars Trilogy. Set in the future, the story delves into the complex and intricate colonization and terraforming of Mars by humans. Robinson’s meticulous attention to scientific detail and his thought-provoking exploration of political, social, and environmental themes make “Blue Mars” a compelling read for science fiction enthusiasts.

The novel starts where its predecessor, “Green Mars,” left off and follows a diverse cast of characters as they navigate the challenges and consequences of transforming Mars into a habitable planet. With breathtaking prose and a deeply immersive world-building, Robinson paints a rich tapestry of Martian society and examines the complexities of human nature against a backdrop of interplanetary colonization.

Readers will find themselves engrossed in the intricate relationships and power dynamics between the characters, as well as Robinson’s insightful commentary on humanity’s impact on the environment. From political intrigue to personal struggles, “Blue Mars” combines thrilling storytelling with philosophical exploration, making it a standout addition to the science fiction genre.

With its vivid landscapes, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes, “Blue Mars” is a must-read for fans of hard science fiction and anyone interested in contemplating the future of our own planet and the possibility of human life on other worlds.

Related Products:

– “Raven” by S.A. Swiniarski (Daw Paperback, 1996)

– “Boojum and Snark Books” (Anthology)

Boojum and Snark Books

Groff Conklin, renowned science fiction editor, curated an exceptional collection of speculative fiction in his anthology “13 Above the Night.” One standout section of the book is dedicated to the intriguing stories of “Boojum and Snark Books.”

Boojum by C.M. Kornbluth

“Boojum” takes readers on a thrilling journey through a dystopian future where Earth’s resources have been exhausted. Kornbluth’s gripping narrative explores the consequences of unchecked technological advancements, raising questions about humanity’s ability to control its own creations.

The Snark by Stephen Barr

In “The Snark,” Barr unleashes his imaginative prowess to craft a mind-bending tale set in a near-future Earth. This story dives into the mysteries of quantum theory and reality manipulation, inviting readers to contemplate the profound implications of scientific breakthroughs and their impact on our perception of the world.

Notable Authors and Themes

The collection showcases stories by acclaimed authors such as Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, and Eric Frank Russell. From space exploration to time travel to dystopian societies, “Boojum and Snark Books” offers readers a broad mix of traditional science fiction fare, each story exploring unique scientific subjects and captivating readers with its intellectual depth.

Step into the pages of “13 Above the Night” and delve into the intriguing tales of “Boojum and Snark Books.” This collection promises a captivating reading experience for science fiction enthusiasts and those curious about the possibilities of the future.


When it comes to receiving your copy of “13 Above the Night,” shipping is an essential consideration. The convenience of having this captivating anthology in your hands adds to the overall reading experience.

At the time of its publication in 1969, “13 Above the Night” was available in paperback format, specifically the Dell paperback edition. This compact and portable version allowed readers to carry this treasury of science fiction tales wherever they went. The pocket-sized design made it easy to slip into a bag or pocket, ensuring that you could delve into the extraordinary worlds within its pages at any time.

You may find a few copies of “13 Above the Night” in your local bookstores, particularly those specializing in science fiction literature. However, with the passage of time, locating this particular edition might require some effort. Online retailers and platforms like AbeBooks offer a convenient solution, with sellers offering this anthology for book enthusiasts around the world.

Considering the age of the book, it is advisable to check the condition of the copies available before making a purchase. Some may exhibit modest rubbing or signs of wear, which is understandable given their age. Nonetheless, the enduring allure of these stories makes the hunt for a well-preserved copy all the more worthwhile.

So, whether you discover “13 Above the Night” through a local bookstore or an online retailer, the shipping cost and availability may vary. However, the excitement of unwrapping this time-honored collection and embarking on a journey through the depths of science fiction remains constant.

Remember, in the world of science fiction, new galaxies await at every turn, and “13 Above the Night” promises an unforgettable odyssey for intrepid readers.

Terms of Sale:

When considering the purchase of “13 Above the Night,” it’s important to familiarize yourself with the terms of sale to ensure a smooth transaction. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Availability: Check the availability of “13 Above the Night” through various retailers and online platforms. It’s recommended to verify that the book is in stock before proceeding with your purchase.

2. Pricing: The price of the book may vary depending on the specific edition and condition. Compare prices from different sources to find the best deal while considering factors such as shipping costs, discounts, or promotions.

3. Condition: Assess the condition of the book before making a purchase. Some sellers provide detailed descriptions of any wear or damage, allowing you to make an informed decision. Look for terms like “new,” “used,” or “collectible” to get an idea of the book’s condition.

4. Shipping: Review the shipping policies of the seller, including shipping costs, estimated delivery times, and any additional fees. Take note of any limitations or restrictions regarding international shipping if applicable.

5. Return Policy: Familiarize yourself with the return policy offered by the seller in case you encounter any issues with your purchase. Understand the conditions for returns, such as the timeframe for initiating a return and any requirements for the book’s condition upon return.

6. Payment Options: Different sellers may offer various payment methods. Consider which option works best for you in terms of security, convenience, and availability.

Remember to carefully read and understand the terms of sale provided by the retailer or platform you choose when purchasing “13 Above the Night.” This will help ensure a satisfactory buying experience and allow you to embark on an exploration of captivating science fiction stories.

Shipping Terms:

When it comes to ordering books, understanding the shipping terms is crucial to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Here are some important points to keep in mind regarding the shipping terms of “13 Above the Night” and other related books:

Shipping Options:

– The book “13 Above the Night” edited by Groff Conklin is available in paperback format.

– It can be purchased through various online platforms, such as AbeBooks or Amazon.

Delivery Time:

– The delivery time may vary depending on your location and the shipping method chosen.

– Standard shipping usually takes around 5-10 business days, while expedited shipping may deliver the book within 2-3 business days.

Shipping Costs:

– The shipping cost for “13 Above the Night” and related books can differ based on the seller and your location.

– It’s recommended to check the specific shipping charges before placing an order.

Return and Refund Policy:

– Each online platform or bookstore may have its own return and refund policy.

– In case of any issues with the book or shipment, it’s advisable to reach out to the customer support of the platform or bookstore from which you made the purchase.

Remember, it’s essential to review the shipping terms provided by the specific seller or platform during the checkout process to ensure a satisfactory buying experience.

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Simulacra, Eye in the Sky – 3 Philip K. Dick Novels

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The Buyer will receive the 3 books shown.

All 3 books are square, tight, clean, no writing or staining. The Simulacra has a light surface crease from edge to edge, see picture, the crease does not travel to the inside of front cover. Otherwise, the condition of the 3 books is close to very good, I don’t like to use that term lightly. Slight edge chipping and creases. Typical page tanning. Crisp and bright books.


Let’s explore the intriguing works of Philip K. Dick:

  1. The Simulacra
    • Published in 1964, this science fiction novel portrays a future totalitarian society apparently dominated by a matriarch named Nicole Thibodeaux.
    • Themes: Realityillusionary beliefs, and touches on Nazi ideology.
    • Originally published as a novelette titled “The Novelty Act,” it was later expanded into a novel titled “First Lady of Earth” before being published as “The Simulacra”.
    • The story is set in the United States of Europe and America (USEA), formed by the merger of (West) Germany and the United States. The whole government is a fraud, and the President is a simulacrum (android).
    • Other global superpowers include the French EmpirePeople’s Republic of China, and Free (Black) Africa.
    • The novel delves into political intrigue, secrets, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion1.
  2. Eye in the Sky
  3. The World Jones Made

And so, dear reader, within these pages lie the musings of alternate realities, the shadows of totalitarian regimes, and the enigma of simulated existence. 📚🌟