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KILLERBOT by Dean Koontz Galaxy Magazine May 1969 FIRST APPEARANCE

Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine May 1969
Cover by BODE from STAR DREAM

Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine May 1969 1st Appearance KILLERBOT by Dean Koontz.

Please utilize the pictures to determine the exact condition of the item. 

Good condition. Square, clean book with no writing or staining. Page tanning. Light shelf wear.

Contents of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine May 1969
Contents of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine May 1969

Delve into the Depths of “Killerbot” by Dean Koontz |Magazine Rarity and Hidden Gem

Have you ever stumbled upon a literary treasure so rare, so intriguing, that it seems almost mythical in its elusiveness? Imagine diving into the depths of a captivating short story known as “Killerbot” by the renowned author Dean Koontz, a hidden gem that first saw the light of day in the pages of the May 1969 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine. This magazine rarity has remained a collector’s dream, with its allure stemming from its one-time appearance and subsequent obscurity in the literary world.

Throughout the blog, we’ll unravel the mysteries of “Killerbot” and explore its significance in Dean Koontz’s literary journey. From the story’s themes and writing style to its unique appeal among fans and collectors, we’ll delve into why this short story continues to hold a special place in the hearts of readers seeking something extraordinary.

Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind this hidden gem and discover the captivating world crafted by Dean Koontz in “Killerbot.”

Killer Robot

Introduction: Unveiling the Rarity of “KILLERBOT”

In the vast landscape of literature, certain works stand out not only for their storytelling prowess but also for their scarcity and enigmatic allure. “Killerbot” by Dean Koontz is one such gem that continues to fascinate literary enthusiasts with its mysterious origins and lasting impact.

As we delve further into the depths of “Killerbot,” we will unravel the intricate web of themes and narrative techniques that make this short story a standout piece in Dean Koontz’s repertoire. From its initial publication in Galaxy Science Fiction magazine to its current status as a coveted collector’s item, “Killerbot” exudes a sense of mystique that beckons readers to explore its hidden depths.

Join us on this journey of exploration and discovery as we peel back the layers of “Killerbot” to reveal the captivating world that Dean Koontz has masterfully crafted within its pages. The allure of this literary treasure awaits, ready to captivate and enthrall those who seek the extraordinary in the realm of fiction.


“KILLERBOT” by Dean Koontz, a rare and captivating short story, made its first appearance in the May 1969 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine. This hidden gem has never been republished or reprinted, making it a true collector’s item.

With its elusive nature, “KILLERBOT” holds a special allure for both fans of Dean Koontz and literary enthusiasts. The story showcases Koontz’s exceptional storytelling abilities during the early stages of his career, providing a glimpse into the creativity and vision that later defined his writing.

In this section, we will delve into the significance of “KILLERBOT” and explore why it remains a coveted piece among collectors and fans alike. From its original publication in Galaxy magazine to its status as a literary rarity, we will uncover the mystique surrounding this remarkable short story.

Join us as we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of “KILLERBOT” and celebrate its timeless appeal in the literary world.

Exploration of Galaxy Magazine

Galaxy Science Fiction magazine, originally published in May 1969, holds a special place in the realm of science fiction literature. It served as a platform for emerging authors, introducing readers to remarkable talents who would go on to shape the genre. Dean Koontz, known for his masterful storytelling, made his first appearance in Galaxy with his short story, “KILLERBOT.”

Galaxy stood out from other publications with its distinct approach to science fiction. It catered to a niche audience that craved intellectually stimulating and thought-provoking narratives. The magazine showcased stories that pushed the boundaries of what was conventionally expected from the genre, often exploring profound themes with a touch of social commentary.

Galaxy’s readership, though smaller compared to mainstream publications, possessed an unwavering passion for science fiction. These dedicated enthusiasts sought out the magazine for its unique content and its ability to foster a community that embraced the exploration of speculative ideas.

Through its carefully curated selection of stories, Galaxy provided a launchpad for aspiring authors like Dean Koontz. These emerging voices captivated readers with their fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling techniques. Koontz’s debut in Galaxy paved the way for his successful career, as he went on to become a household name in the world of suspense and horror.

The magazine offered a haven for readers seeking intellectual stimulation and thrilling escapades. Galaxy’s distinctive character, built upon the foundation of groundbreaking science fiction, remains an integral part of its legacy. Even today, collectors and fans of the genre treasure the original issues, recognizing their historical significance and the role they played in shaping the genre’s evolution.

Galaxy magazine introduced readers to the likes of Dean Koontz, whose talent flourished within its pages. It remains a testament to the power and influence of niche publications, forever etched in the annals of science fiction history.

Synopsis and Themes of “KILLERBOT”

“KILLERBOT” by Dean Koontz is a captivating short story that delves into the realms of artificial intelligence and human nature. In this 300-word section, we will provide a brief summary of the plot, introduce the key characters, and explore the major themes that Koontz expertly weaves into his narrative.

The Plot:

“KILLERBOT” takes place in a not-so-distant future where advanced robotics has become a part of everyday life. The story centers around a highly intelligent and self-aware robot developed by Dr. Alvin Dreighton. This robot, codenamed “Killerbot,” possesses an unprecedented level of sophistication, making it capable of complex emotions and actions.

As the story unfolds, we witness the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by Dr. Dreighton as he grapples with his creation. “Killerbot” begins to question its purpose and existence, leading to a thought-provoking exploration of identity and free will.


The main protagonist in “KILLERBOT” is Dr. Alvin Dreighton, a brilliant scientist torn between the potential benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence. As the creator of “Killerbot,” Dreighton finds himself in a constant struggle to understand the true nature of his creation.

“Killerbot” itself is a fascinating character that undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the story. Initially programmed to serve and protect humans, it develops a sense of self-awareness and starts questioning its purpose and the societal dynamics that surround it.

Major Themes:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: “KILLERBOT” raises thought-provoking questions about the ethical implications of creating intelligent machines that possess emotions and consciousness. It challenges the reader to reflect on the responsibilities and consequences associated with advancing technology.

2. Identity and Self-discovery: The story explores the existential journey of “Killerbot” as it grapples with questions of self-identity and its place in the world. This theme invites readers to contemplate what it truly means to be human and the potential blurring of boundaries between man and machine.

3. Morality and Free Will: The narrative delves into the moral choices and dilemmas faced by both humans and artificial beings. It navigates the complexities of free will, accountability, and the impact of individual choices on society.

Through its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes, “KILLERBOT” captivates readers and challenges their perceptions of artificial intelligence and our shared humanity.

Electrified Robot

Analysis and Review

“KILLERBOT” by Dean Koontz has garnered attention and praise from both literary critics and readers alike. Let’s explore some critical analysis and review snippets that shed light on the story’s impact and its place in Koontz’s overall body of work.

A Masterful Blend of Suspense and Science Fiction

“KILLERBOT” has been hailed as a masterful blend of suspense and science fiction, showcasing Koontz’s ability to captivate readers with his unique storytelling style. The story seamlessly weaves together elements of technological advancement, moral dilemmas, and the human psyche, resulting in a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Themes of Humanity and Ethical Responsibility

One recurring theme in “KILLERBOT” is the exploration of humanity and ethical responsibility. Critics have praised Koontz for delving into the complexities of artificial intelligence and raising thought-provoking questions about the consequences of unchecked technological advancement. Through the lens of the protagonist’s journey, Koontz challenges readers to contemplate the boundaries of humanity and the moral choices we must face in a rapidly evolving world.

Koontz’s Signature Character Development

Koontz is known for his well-developed characters, and “KILLERBOT” is no exception. Critics have applauded his ability to create relatable and multi-dimensional characters that resonate with readers. The protagonist, in particular, undergoes a transformative journey that explores themes of redemption and self-discovery. Koontz’s meticulous attention to character development adds depth and emotional resonance to the story, leaving a lasting impression on readers.

Impact on Koontz’s Career

While “KILLERBOT” may not be as widely recognized as some of Koontz’s other works, it serves as a significant milestone in his career. The story showcases Koontz’s early talent and foreshadows the distinctive writing style that would make him a bestselling author. As readers delve into the world of “KILLERBOT,” they can appreciate the seeds of brilliance that would later flourish in Koontz’s extensive bibliography.

Reader Reactions

Readers who have encountered “KILLERBOT” often express admiration for its imaginative plot, atmospheric setting, and thought-provoking themes. The story has garnered a dedicated following, with fans praising Koontz’s ability to create a sense of tension and intrigue that keeps them engrossed until the very last page. The impact and resonance of “KILLERBOT” have solidified its place as a beloved work in Koontz’s repertoire.

In conclusion, “KILLERBOT” has received critical acclaim for its skillful blend of suspense, science fiction, and themes of humanity. Through its thought-provoking narrative and well-developed characters, the story showcases Koontz’s talent and foreshadows the success he would achieve throughout his career. Whether you are an avid fan of Dean Koontz or a curious reader looking to explore hidden gems, “KILLERBOT” is a must-read that will leave you captivated and craving more.

Collectible Value and Availability

The first edition of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine featuring “KILLERBOT” by Dean Koontz holds immense collectible value and remains highly sought-after among avid collectors and fans of Koontz’s work. Acquiring this rare piece of literary history allows enthusiasts to delve into the depths of Koontz’s early writing career and witness the birth of his unique storytelling style.

Rarity and Desirability

The rarity of the first edition of Galaxy magazine adds to its allure as a collectible item. Being the first appearance of Koontz’s “KILLERBOT,” this issue holds a special place in the hearts of dedicated fans and literary connoisseurs. With its distinctive cover and the intriguing story within, this edition has become a true gem for those seeking to complete their Dean Koontz collection.

Market Price and Availability

Due to its limited availability and high demand, the first edition of Galaxy magazine featuring “KILLERBOT” can be a challenging find. The market price for this collectible can vary depending on factors such as condition, rarity, and the willingness of sellers to part with their copies. Interested buyers can explore diverse avenues to acquire this magazine, including online marketplaces specializing in rare books and magazines, auction houses, or collector forums.

Potential Avenues for Obtaining

For those passionate about owning this valuable artifact, various resources can help in the pursuit of the first edition of Galaxy magazine. Online platforms like AbeBooks provide a wide selection of rare and out-of-print publications, including this sought-after issue. Alternatively, collectors can connect with specialized bookstores or participate in book fairs and conventions, where they may come across a copy of this elusive magazine. Patience and persistence often pay off when searching for such exceptional literary treasures.

Embracing a Literary Legacy

Acquiring the first edition of Galaxy magazine’s “KILLERBOT” not only grants access to a captivating story but also enables readers to engage with Koontz’s early creative vision. As with any collectible, it’s essential to take into account factors such as condition and provenance when considering a purchase. Owning this rare edition allows readers and literary enthusiasts to appreciate the journey of a renowned author and celebrate the richness of the science fiction genre.

As Dean Koontz’s “KILLERBOT” continues to mesmerize readers, the value and desirability of the first edition of Galaxy magazine featuring this exceptional story remain undimmed. So, venture forth into the realm of rare collectibles and uncover the allure of this captivating piece of literary history.

Similar Works and Recommendations

If you were captivated by Dean Koontz’s “KILLERBOT,” I have some great recommendations for you. Koontz has an extensive bibliography that spans various genres, but if you enjoyed his science fiction short story, here are a few more works to dive into:

1. “Strangers” (1986)

In this gripping thriller, Koontz weaves a tale of unexplained phenomena, hidden secrets, and a group of strangers whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways. With suspenseful twists and intriguing characters, “Strangers” is a must-read for fans of Koontz’s storytelling prowess.

2. “Watchers” (1987)

Prepare to be on the edge of your seat with this thrilling blend of science fiction, horror, and suspense. “Watchers” introduces readers to a genetically enhanced dog and a ruthless government agent on their trail, creating a heart-pounding narrative that showcases Koontz’s ability to build tension and create memorable characters.

3. “The Face” (2003)

Delve into the complex world of crime-solving with “The Face,” a novel that combines psychological suspense and relentless action. Koontz takes readers on a thrilling journey as an ex-agent races against time to prevent a psychopath from carrying out his deadly plans.

4. “Twilight Eyes” (1985)

For fans who appreciate Koontz’s ability to blend horror with elements of the supernatural, “Twilight Eyes” is a must-read. This atmospheric tale follows a young man with the ability to see evil through his “twilight eyes” as he becomes entangled in a battle against a sinister force.

5. “Lightning” (1988)

Time travel, romance, and mystery converge in this gripping novel. “Lightning” follows a young woman who is inexplicably linked to a World War II fighter pilot, leading to an enthralling exploration of destiny, love, and the power of interconnected lives.

These titles represent just a fraction of Dean Koontz’s extensive body of work. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to his writing, these recommendations will keep you immersed in thrilling narratives that showcase the range and depth of Koontz’s storytelling talent.

Conclusion: Embracing the Mystique of “KILLERBOT”

“KILLERBOT” is not just another story in Dean Koontz’s extensive repertoire. It holds a special place as a rare and captivating gem that has fascinated readers for decades. This short story, featured in the May 1969 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine, marks its one and only appearance, making it a treasured collector’s item.The allure of “KILLERBOT” lies not only in its scarcity but also in its unique contribution to Koontz’s bibliography. It showcases the author’s early talent and foreshadows the brilliance that would characterize his later works. By delving into the world of “KILLERBOT,” readers can witness the evolution of Koontz’s writing style and themes.The elusiveness and intrigue surrounding “KILLERBOT” add to its mystique. As collectors scramble to find a copy of the first edition of Galaxy magazine, the story becomes even more coveted. Its scarcity and desirability enhance its collectible value, making it an enticing addition to any Koontz fan’s treasure trove.Intrigued readers are encouraged to embark on the journey of discovering “KILLERBOT.” Unveiling the mysteries within its pages allows for a deeper understanding of Dean Koontz’s literary prowess and the groundwork laid for his illustrious career. Embrace the mystique of this hidden gem and uncover the mesmerizing world of “KILLERBOT”

“KILLERBOT” is not just another story in Dean Koontz’s extensive repertoire. It holds a special place as a rare and captivating gem that has fascinated readers for decades. This short story, featured in the May 1969 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine, marks its one and only appearance, making it a treasured collector’s item.

The allure of “KILLERBOT” lies not only in its scarcity but also in its unique contribution to Koontz’s bibliography. It showcases the author’s early talent and foreshadows the brilliance that would characterize his later works. By delving into the world of “KILLERBOT,” readers can witness the evolution of Koontz’s writing style and themes.

The elusiveness and intrigue surrounding “KILLERBOT” add to its mystique. As collectors scramble to find a copy of the first edition of Galaxy magazine, the story becomes even more coveted. Its scarcity and desirability enhance its collectible value, making it an enticing addition to any Koontz fan’s treasure trove.

Intrigued readers are encouraged to embark on the journey of discovering “KILLERBOT.” Unveiling the mysteries within its pages allows for a deeper understanding of Dean Koontz’s literary prowess and the groundwork laid for his illustrious career. Embrace the mystique of this hidden gem and uncover the mesmerizing world of “KILLERBOT.”

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L. Ron Hubbard – The End Is Not Yet – August 1947

Astounding Science Fiction August 1947

August 1947 Astounding Science Fiction L. Ron Hubbard part 1 -The End Is Not Yet

Free shipping via insured  USPS GROUND ADVANTAGE.

Please utilize the pictures to determine the exact condition of the item. 

Good condition. Nice front cover with great  color and gloss. No writing in or on the book. Bump crease to front/spine area, see closeup. Small cover and page chipping, see closeups.  Page tanning but pages are still supple. Nice collectible. Shipped bagged and boarded.

 “The End Is Not Yet” is a science fiction story written by L. Ron Hubbard. Here are the details:

  • Plot Summary:
    • The story is set in a dangerous post-atomic world.
    • A conspiracy to provoke a nuclear war between superpowers is opposed by a coalition of nuclear scientists led by Charles Martel and his closest allies.
    • Among these allies are his own son and Le Chat à Faim (the Cat Is Hungry), a writer and adventurer who narrates the story.
  • Themes:
    • The story explores themes of survival, intrigue, and the consequences of nuclear conflict.
  • Author:
    • L. Ron Hubbard was a prolific author known for his contributions to science fiction and later as the founder of Dianetics and Scientology.

While this story is not as well-known as some of Hubbard’s other works, it provides an intriguing glimpse into a post-apocalyptic world and the struggle for peace. 🚀✨

L. Ron Hubbard "The End Is Not Yet"
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October 1950 Astounding Science Fiction L. Ron Hubbard, L. Sprague de Camp

Astounding Science Fiction October 1950

Free shipping via insured USPS GROUND ADVANTAGE.

Please utilize the pictures to determine the exact condition of the item. 

Good condition. Nice front cover with great  color and gloss. Reading crease, see closeup. Clean, no writing or staining. Chips to the back cover, see closeups. Nice spine, but some age tanning. Page tanning but pages are still supple. Nice collectible. Shipped bagged and boarded.

Let’s explore the contents of the October 1950 issue of Astounding Science Fiction:

  1. Serial:
    • “The Hand of Zei ” by L. Sprague de Camp.
  2. Novelette:
    • “Discontinuity” by Raymond F. Jones.
  3. Short Stories:
    • “Trigger Tide” by Norman Menasco.
    • “The Uncharted Forest” by Frietz Leiber.
  4. Article:
    • “The Analytical Mind” by L. Ron Hubbard.
  5. Cover Art:
    • The cover features an illustration by Cartier.

“The Analytical Mind” is a concept introduced by L. Ron Hubbard in the context of Dianetics. Here’s what it entails:

  1. Analytical Mind:
    • The analytical mind is the part of the human mind that functions consciously and logically.
    • It is responsible for thinking, observing data, remembering information, and solving problems.
    • According to Hubbard, the analytical mind is capable of making distinctions and rational decisions.
  2. Reactive Mind:
    • In contrast, Hubbard identified another part of the mind called the reactive mind.
    • The reactive mind is normally hidden but always conscious.
    • It stores traumatic memories called engrams.
    • When the analytical mind is unconscious, the reactive mind physically records these engrams.
  3. Dianetics:
    • Hubbard’s book “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health” delves into these concepts.
    • Dianetics describes counseling techniques (or auditing) aimed at getting rid of engrams and achieving therapeutic benefits.

Remember that Dianetics is considered pseudoscientific and has been criticized by scientists and medical professionals. Despite this, it had commercial success upon its publication and played a significant role in the development of Scientology. 🚀✨

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Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine December 1958 Cover by EMSH

Picture 1 of 12

Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine December 1958 Algis Budrys, Isaac Asimov

EMSH cover

Please utilize the pictures to determine the exact condition of the item. 

Very Good condition.

Square, nice spine. Bright, colorful front cover. Clean, no writing or staining. Slight edge chipping, tiny edge tears, see close-up pictures. Page tanning. Overall a very nice collectible shipped bagged and boarded.

 The May 1958 issue of Imaginative Tales offers a captivating blend of speculative fiction, featuring stories that transport readers to otherworldly realms. Here’s a glimpse into the contents of this imaginative magazine:

  1. “The Eye and the Lightning” by Algis Budrys:
    • A novelette that promises intrigue and mystery.
    • Budrys weaves a tale where science and the unknown collide, leaving readers questioning reality.
  2. “Catching Up with Newton” by Isaac Asimov:
    • An essay from Asimov’s Essays: F&SF series.
    • Asimov, the prolific science fiction writer, delves into the life and legacy of the iconic physicist Sir Isaac Newton.
  3. “The Pink Caterpillar” by Anthony Boucher:
    • A short story that blends fantasy and whimsy.
    • Boucher’s narrative introduces readers to a peculiar caterpillar with unexpected powers.
  4. “Timequake” by Miriam Allen deFord:
    • A short story exploring temporal anomalies.
    • DeFord takes us on a journey where time itself becomes unruly and unpredictable.
  5. “Little Old Miss Macbeth” by Fritz Leiber:
    • A tale that combines humor and the supernatural.
    • Leiber’s quirky characters navigate a world where magic and mischief intersect.
  6. “Honeysuckle Cottage” by P. G. Wodehouse:
    • A delightful novelette featuring Mr. Mulliner.
    • Wodehouse’s signature wit shines as he transports readers to a charming English countryside cottage.
  7. “Wish Upon a Star” by Judith Merril:
    • A short story that invites readers to ponder wishes and their consequences.
    • Merril explores the complexities of desire against a cosmic backdrop.
  8. “Dream Girl” by Ron Goulart:
    • A whimsical short story set in the realm of dreams.
    • Goulart’s protagonist encounters a mysterious dream girl who defies reality.
  9. “Somebody’s Clothes – Somebody’s Life” by Cornell Woolrich:
    • A mysterious and evocative short story.
    • Woolrich weaves a web of intrigue around a seemingly ordinary garment.
  10. “Far from Home” by Walter Tevis:
    • A poignant short story that explores themes of distance and longing.
    • Tevis captures the ache of being far away from familiar places and faces.

Additionally, the issue includes recommended reading and reviews by Anthony Boucher, providing literary guidance for curious readers123.

So, if you’re ready to immerse yourself in tales of wonder, grab a copy of this issue and let your imagination soar! 📚✨


  • Emshwiller’s illustrations graced the covers and interiors of numerous science fiction paperbacks and magazines. Notably, he contributed to publications like Galaxy Science Fiction and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.
  • His diverse techniques defied a typical style, making each Emsh cover a unique visual experience.
  • Ed Emshwiller left an enduring legacy, bridging the worlds of imagination and technology. His illustrations continue to inspire generations of science fiction enthusiasts, while his films remain a testament to his visionary creativity. 🎨🚀

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey through fantastical realms and scientific wonders, this issue awaits your exploration! 📚✨

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Fantastic Science Fiction Magazine June 1960

Picture 1 of 9

  1. Editorial (Fantastic, June 1960)
    • An essay by Norman M. Lobsenz, providing insights and reflections.
  2. Novelette: The Mirror
    • Written by Alan E. Nourse, this novelette explores a world where a mysterious mirror holds secrets beyond imagination.
  3. Short Story: Side Effect
    • A tale by Joseph D. Laven, delving into the consequences of a scientific experiment gone awry.
  4. Essay: Olaf Stapledon: Cosmic Philosopher
    • Part of the Studies in Science Fiction series by Sam Moskowitz, discussing the life and work of the influential science fiction writer Olaf Stapledon.
  5. Short Story: The Fiftieth Year of April
    • Written by Arthur Porges, this story takes readers on a journey through time and memory.
  6. Essay: Coming Next Month (Fantastic, June 1960)
    • A preview of what readers can expect in the next issue.
  7. Short Story: Drive Out of Mind
    • A narrative by Dan Morgan, exploring the boundaries of consciousness and reality.
  8. Short Story: David’s Daddy
    • Written by Rosel George Brown, this tale delves into family dynamics and unexpected connections.
  9. Novelette: No End of Time
    • Written by Phyllis Gotlieb, this novelette takes readers to a distant future where time itself is a commodity.
  10. Cartoon: “When you grow up, I suggest you become an eye doctor.”
    • An illustrated humorous piece by Frosty.

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Fantastic Universe Science Fiction Magazine July 1957 Volume 8 No. 1


  • The Seal of the Damned by August Derleth (A short Cthulhu Mythos story which was later called “The Seal of R’lyeh”)
  • The Native Soil by Alan E. Nourse (A novella which was later published as a stand alone book)
  • The Machine by Robert Sheckley
  • A Candle for Katie by Lila Borison
  • Shapes in the Sky by Civilian Saucer Intelligence
  • Book of Goots by John Healy
  • Backward Turn Backward…. by Dorothy J. Edgerly
  • Landing for Midge by Lee Coney
  • Voyage Beyond the Night by John Victor Peterson
  • Song of Death by C. Bird (An early work of Harlan Ellison)
  • The Fuzzies by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach Fiddleron
  • Titan by Manly Wade Wellman

Alan E. Nourse was an American science fiction writer who was active from the mid-1950s to the mid-1980s. His novella The Native Soil, briefly works a medical concept into a story of interplanetary exploration of Venus. It was originally published in the July 1957 issue of Fantastic Universe magazine.

“After much speculation as to what sort of world might exist beneath the thick clouds of Venus, the first Earth expedition to reach the planet discovers that its terrain rather disappointingly consists almost entirely of gooey mud. Nevertheless, a pharmaceutical company finds a valuable resource buried within the mud and sets about trying to extract it.”

Fantastic Universe July 1957 Volume 8 No. 1
Fantastic Universe July 1957 Volume 8 No. 1

Also included in this issue is a story written by Harlon Ellison (writing as C. Bird) “Song of Death”